Dental Examination
Looking after you teeth and mouth is very important. A dental examination involves a dentist checking your teeth and gums to ensure they are healthy and identifying any potential problems that may require treatment.
It is also an opportunity for a patient to express any concerns to the dentist about the condition or appearance of their mouth and to see what solutions are available to improve it.
Initially a Medical History Questionnaire is completed – to see if any medical condition / medications may be affecting the mouth.
The Oral examination will consist assessing of:
Cavities / Decay
Missing Teeth
Existing restorations / prosthesis
Fracture / Wear of teeth
Positions of teeth
Oral Hygiene.
Bleeding / Inflammation
Gum and Periodontal Disease.
Periodontal pocketing
Soft tissue screening for Oral Cancer and other lesions
Head and Neck:
Lesions / swelling
Symmetry issue
Jaw joint
Mouth opening
Muscle tenderness